9 breathtaking "Italian beauties", right outside our camp

S c r o l l D o w n

Hi everyone! Here we are with my first blog post about the historical and natural beauties that you can explore and enjoy during your stay as a teacher for our camps.

I decided to begin by presenting you some of the most evocative places, more or less in the surroundings of Orsago, where our organization is based. These locations are close enough to be just perfect for a single day off (in fact, if you properly plan your trip, you can see many of these places in just one day). Orsago is a small village that is lucky enough to be surrounded by breathtaking landmarks – but, hey! It’s Italy! It couldn’t be different… These lovely destinations could be a wonderful, if less-known alternative to the more famous city of Venice.

In this first part we will discover some villages in the very neighboring area, while in our next article I’ll talk about destinations that are farther away (but still perfect for a day trip). All I can do now is wish you a nice trip!

  1. Sacile

Sacile is a lovely town set along the Livenza river. Its Renaissance-style bridges and palaces make it look like a tiny Venice, and for this reason it is also called “Giardino della Serenissima” (“Venice Garden” – Serenissima is a nickname given to the city). Loved by the young (at age, as well as at heart), Sacile is also the ideal place for an aperitivo (which you can’t miss when in Italy). Sacile, view on Livenza river

  1. Vittorio Veneto

Vittorio Veneto is a town halfway between Venice and the Dolomites, and it is here that the victorious final battle of WWI took place. Vittorio Veneto boasts a modern centre and a more ancient area, Serravalle, whose unification with Ceneda gave birth to the modern city 150 years ago. Santa Augusta is a famous church that can be reached through a staircase path, recommended to sport lovers. To commemorate the saint, every year on August 22nd a traditional, spectacular fireworks show takes place – not to be missed if you are around!

Serravalle old town

  1. Valdobbiadene

Valdobbiadene is famous for being the heart of Prosecco DOCG, the signature wine of our province. Here the landscape is characterized by hills almost completely grown with vines, and the landscape is absolutely unique. We suggest a visit to “Osteria senza oste” – an old barn with an amazing view, which has been transformed into a 24/7 self-served osteria where you can enjoy traditional bread products, cold cuts, and cheese. And what can you drink? Prosecco wine, of course – served through a vending machine!

Valdobbiadene, prosecco hills

  1. Follina & Cison di Valmarino

Follina and Cison di Valmarino are two villages located about 30 minutes away from Orsago. Follina is famous for its abbey, dating back to the XII century; we suggest a visit to its cathedral. Cison di Valmarino has been nominated among the most beautiful hamlets of Italy – most certainly a well-deserved recognition. Inside its castle, you can spend a relaxing day in the spa, or you could choose to venture into the surrounding woods, perfect for a day in the wild. Every year, thousands of tourists visit the town for its Christmas markets in winter, as well as in August for an event dedicated to local craftsmanship, “Artigianato vivo”.

Follina Abbey

  1. Treviso

Treviso is a city halfway between Orsago and Venice. Its central square “Piazza dei Signori” is the favorite rendezvous spot for young people to get an aperitivo, but the city centre is also great for a walk. The centre is enclosed in old walls surrounded by the Sile river, which offers great views. Treviso is also a college town, as it hosts two detachments of the famous universities of Venice and Padua.

Piazza dei Signori, Treviso

  1. Ai Pioppi, Treviso

Not far from Treviso is an innovative, eco-friendly amusement park that consumes no electricity. The carousels work thanks to the mechanical power of those riding them. Among the attractions are lianas, a loop-the-loop by bike, swings, a zip line, a wheel inspired by the Vitruvian man and many more. The park is located in the woods and also includes a very inexpensive restaurant where you can order typical trevigiano food using a peculiar token system to pay.

Ai Pioppi Park

  1. Conegliano

10 minutes from Orsago is Conegliano, one of the favourite places for young people of the surrounding area. The town centre can be divided into 2 areas: the modern one is the lower city, and the older one is located on the higher side of the town, around one of our many hills. Here, you can find the starting point of a staircase path that leads to the castle of the city – from which you can enjoy a great view over Conegliano. The hills surrounding the city are, unsurprisingly, covered by beautiful Prosecco vineyards.

Conegliano Castle

  1. Cansiglio

Orsago, as I already said, is lucky enough to be located halfway between the Adriatic Riviera and the mountains. It takes a little longer to reach the world-famous Dolomiti, but there are great mountain destinations also in the very proximities. An example is Cansiglio, a highland famous for its forest (the second widest in Italy). From here you can enjoy great walks and hikes, both for sport lovers and amateurs. In Cansiglio there is also “Bus de la Lum” (hole of light), a 180-meter-deep cave that originated many legends and folklore stories. The cave is infamous for having been used as a foiba during World War II.

Cansiglio Forest

  1. Gorgazzo springs and Humus Park

Linked to Bus de la Lum is Gorgazzo, the Livenza river springs. It is said that the two places, located kilometers away from each other, are connected through underground karstic caves. The neighbouring area is characterized by the presence of the Livenza river – another place worth a visit is Palù di Livenza, a park located along the river. It is here that “Humus Park” takes place, from May to September, as the most important land art meeting in Italy. Last, but not least: this place became a Unesco World Heritage in 2011. What are you waiting for?

Gorgazzo springs


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